Health & Safety Declaration Form

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Must be completed by ALL Exhibitors

Every exhibitor accepts that it is their legal and moral responsibility to ensure that their own and others' health and safety are not put at risk by their actions (or in-actions) throughout the tenancy. It is also the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that their appointed contractors are aware of the Health & Safety issues applicable to this exhibition.

Please note that Exhibitor insurance policies do not cover stand contractors and any consequent sub-contractors, and as such contractors are now required to submit proof that they have adequate insurance cover. It is the Exhibitor's responsibility to ensure that any appointed contractors and agents have the relevant documentation.

We recommend that contractors erecting complex structures should have a minimum of £5 million public liability and also must be able to provide proof of Employer Liability insurance. Contractors erecting standard structures should have a minimum of £2 million public liability and must be able to provide proof of Employer Liability Insurance. For further information on what constitutes a complex structure please read the standfitting regulations in full.

All certificates must be submitted with the stand plans for a full compliance notice to be issued.
Risk Assessments
All exhibitors must complete a Risk Assessment (RA) for the exhibition, which covers the activities taking place on the stand during the open period of the event. This does not need to be sent to us, although you must be able to produce it on site if called upon to do so. Failure to produce a Risk Assessment on request will result in all affected activity ceasing until a Risk Assessment has been completed to the satisfaction of the Organiser. We have provided a template in the manual to help you. 

However, if you have booked a Space Only Site, whoever is building the stand - either you or a contractor - will need to submit a detailed RA to cover the build and breakdown, together with a Method Statement, when submitting the stand drawings for approval. A step-by-step guide to Risk Assessments is available via the above link or for further assistance contact your own company Health & Safety Officer or the HSE National Information Line - Tel: +44 (0)8701 545500. Demonstration areas must be indicated on your stand plans and, where necessary must include soundproofing within the construction of this area


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